Scramble winners:
1st low gross (Trophy Winner) - (-15) Scott DiNello, Jeremy Klein, Jon Klein, Ron Klein
2nd low gross - (-12) John Salerno, Jack Rustico, Joe Laporte, Jay Salerno
1st low net - (-13) Andy Hintz, Dick Brown, Rick Ahern, Peter DiDomizio
2nd low net - (-13) Tom Gagliardi, Matt Florian, Duane Howard
Longest drive:
Men's- Jon Klein (290 yards)
Women's- Carol Grant (315 yards)
Closest to the pin:
3rd hole- Dave Valente (12'11")
7th hole- Nate Thomson (70")
12th hole (women only)- Tom Gagliardi/Gus Peverata (yes, i know; go figure!)
15th hole- Garry Murray (15'6")
17th hole- Andy Nintz (6')
Sponsor Trophy:
Thomson Financial team - Joe Thomson, Bill Thomson, John Bertola, Bill Thomson
The Fun Bunch Award (well, at least they're a bunch):
The Fabulous Bill Taylor Four - Bill Taylor, Tom Kupec, John Barrasso, Wayne Johnson
The Highest Score Foursome (winners of calculators, of course!):
The Plantsville General Store/Antique Center team- Dave/Elaine Maloney, Denise/James Romaniello
Best Dressed Golfers (The Calvin Klein Awards):
Male- Mark Pelletier (his shirt was 'marvelous')
Female- Patti Thomson (must have been the blond hair)
Best Hat- Joe DePaolo
1st low gross (Trophy Winner) - (-15) Scott DiNello, Jeremy Klein, Jon Klein, Ron Klein
2nd low gross - (-12) John Salerno, Jack Rustico, Joe Laporte, Jay Salerno
1st low net - (-13) Andy Hintz, Dick Brown, Rick Ahern, Peter DiDomizio
2nd low net - (-13) Tom Gagliardi, Matt Florian, Duane Howard
Longest drive:
Closest to the pin:
Sponsor Trophy:
Thomson Financial team - Joe Thomson, Bill Thomson, John Bertola, Bill Thomson
The Fun Bunch Award (well, at least they're a bunch):
The Fabulous Bill Taylor Four - Bill Taylor, Tom Kupec, John Barrasso, Wayne Johnson
The Highest Score Foursome (winners of calculators, of course!):
The Plantsville General Store/Antique Center team- Dave/Elaine Maloney, Denise/James Romaniello
Best Dressed Golfers (The Calvin Klein Awards):